The Virtual Unknown That Broke Elleai's Heart

Worry for model and actress Elleai D’Amore have become the prerogative for her friends and family after a failed attempt at a relationship has left her stability in the balance. Nineteen year old Elleai (who was formerly dating professional skater Sean Piercely) has been left heart-broken once again - but this time, not because of a cheating boyfriend.

It appears that this time around, Elleai is the cause of the romantic melt-down. Her MySpace account attracted rave attention after it was clear that all sentiment of an unknown male “Jacob” were removed after a 5 month long “lovey-dovey” escapade. Fansites and gossip spots for Elleai D’Amore clued in on the dramatic change, but no one, not even Elleai, was prepared for the emotional rip-roar that was to follow.

“There used to be, ‘I love Jacob’ and ‘Jacob this, Jacob that’ all over her page, all of the time. One day, it was all gone. People could see comments on her page from her friends, attempting to soothe the obvious heartbreak she was dealing with. Comments from her in reply mentioned that she couldn’t fathom what had happened, “one night he’s telling me I’m amazing, and the night after he’s telling my best friend that he doesn’t feel like that anymore. I feel led on - even if it was out of warped compassion, I feel stupid.” She comments to a friend.” Says a source.

So, who is Jacob? And why the sudden change of heart? Turns out Jacob, translates to Jacob White, a 20 year old relative “nobody” and University student that Elleai “instantly fell for” after a series of conversations.

“She loved the normalcy of it all. With [Sean] it was different, he was a true manipulator of status. He used his name, and her’s, to get female attention… and it worked.”

After 16 long months, Elleai terminated her relationship with skater Sean Piercely after discovering his passion for infidelities, especially with her best friend. Elleai D’Amore’s seventeenth birthday brought light to her boyfriend’s cheating ways when she discovered him in a passionate position with her best friend in the garage.

“He was f***ing her next to the beer fridge, is that what you want to hear? She was naked, he was naked, limbs everywhere. It makes me feel sick. And no, I don’t want to try again.” Elleai angrily answered WEEKLY reporters when approached outside a shopping mall just days after the scandal.

Elleai and Jacob: a match made in never?

“It’s quite obvious they should be together,” replies a friend to our enquiry.

After years of terrible boyfriends, Elleai D’Amore describes her relationship out look as, “Bad boyfriends made me insecure, new boyfriends leave me because of it.” Perhaps that is the reason behind the Elleai and Jacob debacle, a rocket that never left the ground.

Seems Elleai D’Amore has a lot of emotional baggage to figure out before she can finally be happy, although that may be harder than it sounds. With a past history of mild drug and alcohol abuse (documented after school records indicated that the honor student was infact suspended after crystal meth and a drink bottle of vodka were found in her locker) suggest that Elleai’s coping mechanisms haven’t always worked in her benefit.

Family and friends of the broken-hearted star remain worried and on high-alert about the increase in Elleai’s alcohol intake and dependancy on other men, namely professional surfer Koby Abberton. The pair have been spotted several times during Elleai’s [trip?] to Queensland, Australia, with many of the sightings suggesting that a constantly drunk Elleai may be searching for love in the arms of - anyone.

It remains obvious to those close to Elleai that she is not over “Jacob” by any means, although her exterior tries to prove otherwise. And although the direct reasons by the ’split’ remain speculative, we wonder just what Jacob was thinking when he walked away from Elleai D’Amore.

In the meantime, Elleai fans hope that Prince Charming will find Elleai, and become one of the good boyfriends. Bad boyfriends made her insecure, new boyfriends leaver her because of it? There’s someone out there who will stick by the beautiful Elleai to mend her broken heart, crushed by years of pathetic boyfriends. We guess that Jacob, just wasn’t one of them.